iirc OGS vacation has an insanely long bank, and recharges insanely fast, so any encouragement to use vacation is an encouragement to potentially add more than a month any fast correspondence game; I large portion of which during no moves might be made, which is one of the reasons fast correspondence is desirable
EDIT: I have 60 days of vacation time. That means I can unilaterally add 2 months to any game I’m playing, which could easily double the length of a fast correspondence game
I think 2 weeks max, recharging at 1 day per week (but not while on vacation) seems more reasonable
I definitely agree with that - I like my correspondence fast (relatively) as well. I’m not sure though if it wouldn’t be the case that people chronically timing out from games wouldn’t run out of their vacation bank though? But maybe you are right and it recharges too fast for that to really happen reliably… Maybe auto-vacation could be limited to last for only a certain period and would have to be turned on manually to go on for more than a few days? But that’s another complication of course…
Yeah. And/or have an option when sending a challenge to disable vacation time. Incidentally, this would also come in handy for fast correspondence tournaments, which right now have to manually dq players who use vacation, but if this was an option, they could use vacation on their other games if they wanted, but their fast correspondence games would just keep running
If this (from almost a decade ago) is still accurate, then I think either my suggestion of recharging 1 day/7days was still too fast, or else my impression of what was causing vacation to feel long was unfairly split between the recharge rate and the max bank, when it ought to have been exclusively or nearly exclusively directed towards the gigantic max bank
If vacation recharges while one is on vacation, though, then I take that back: the recharge is way too powerful
I’m not so in favor with pointing people who failed. If we want some selection process I would prefer some provisional ban by the system as a public advertising on a failure.
Now I’m not sure this is needed if you have a small part of your games canceled, maybe there are other improvements to implement first.
Involving more the moderation team. Not sure OGS has that more available time to ask systematically why and how you mass timeout. But anyway there is the “call the mod” functionality which is always available already and which is (as much as they can) systematically answered.
There is surely something to explore on this.
The thing is even if timeout abuse is marginal, it adds to regular mass timeout and may provoke anxiety and confusion.
So i am for a better control as in some suggestions like
Have a longer delay to trigger the mass timeout (3 games instead of 1)
mass timeout annuled as soon as any activity is detected on the site (at least if any other kind of games is played)
I’ve heard the opposite from some people, that correspondence can be stressful, having games you’re always thinking about, and some people can find it hard to switch off.
Somehow trying to make it sound more serious doesn’t sound very appealing. It’s just a game at the end of the day, a game we take seriously sure and put time into, but it’s not always going to be a priority in people’s lives.
It is possible to take correspondence games too seriously.
It’s not going to solve the problem, basically the frequency of people timing out won’t change. Annullments just make the winner on time feel better - I don’t think it matters to the person that times out. The other option for them is to just play elsewhere if there’s “consequence”, dragon go server is also a fine place to play correspondence Go.
I don’t think I’d call this time management as much as just remembering to make a move. Most people don’t use the time to play Go or think about Go.
The real time management of correspondence Go really only comes up when you have like +12hrs per move or less, where the game is correspondence but you really have to make sure you’re not unlucky with your schedule. That’s still not so much time management of a Go game as opposed to life scheduling.
For example on boardgame arena they like to do absolute time for correspondence tournaments, which is an awful decision imo, and there you do find players that will be in a similar timezone but make moves at like 4am and you end up losing a large amount of time literally just to do with sleeping.
I don’t think people think they’ll have to manage something like their sleep schedule just to play a game of correspondence Go. If you want to sure, but that’s a bit too serious for me I would say.
What? annulments make the winner on time feel worse
Semantics. Same reasoning could be applied to live, but whether you’re managing your thinking time during a live game, or managing the time you have for life and Go in a correspondence game, you’re doing time management
Couldn’t agree more with this, though. Absolute time is iffy enough in Go to begin with, and it’s just not good at all in correspondence. Yet another thing on the list of bad things about BGA: absolute time in Arenas, overlong time controls for live, no timeout by default, no unranked timed games, no 3-time repetition in Hive, no moderator action against stallers/cheaters, and they banned a player for a well-researched exposé on a rampant Onitama cheater
EDIT: forgot the arcane draw resolution in tournaments
This I think is reasonable and more on topic with the thread in general.
The issue at hand isn’t that people timeout, it’s that people can mass timeout or chain together and timeout losses and have them annulled, while even still playing live games.
So again
Lol, good point, I’m not exactly sure what I meant to say - maybe that not annulling the game or giving some rating is just making the winner feel a bit better whether they’re winning the game or not. I don’t think it’s going to be massively important to the loser, but should they keep on playing it’ll make a difference to their opponents playing someone unintentionally sandbagging.
There is probably some compromise like @Groin is saying and I’ve been quoting. If someone is still actively playing sure their rating will adjust back, but probably if it’s like 10 games or 20 games or more, which can happen, the timeouts should just auto annul. I guess it’s a grey area between 2-10. Maybe even have it kicking in around 5 would be fine, a bit noisy on whether the results are meaningful, but who knows.
The recharge should be based on number of moves made, not just time playing. I.e. if I play very fast for a bit, I deserve some extra vacation. In fact I suspect that’s how it works now.
My last two correspondence games got annulled. It reallly majorly sucks to invest so much time just for it to mean nothing. Of course it’s just a ranking but the loop of getting rewarded for winning I think is part of what keeps me interested in the game.