Games we made

I don’t want to jump into the future so quickly but let’s assume the thread doesn’t need to be time ordered :slight_smile:

I made some game (position) “editors” more so than games since I didn’t code the game logic fully.

One used for Random Gaps + Pie Rule - #249 by shinuito


and one for a game called tumbleweed Tumbleweed: this game weirdly reminds me of Go - #28 by bugcat

Mentioning the above in case others @Vsotvep @le_4TC @RubyMineshaft etc wanted to mention their tools they’ve made for some forum games :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t really remember if I’ve made many proper games, probably done bits and pieces for a gamejam the odd time or followed some tutorials to make rts type games but never to completion really.

I can delete if it doesn’t count for this thread :slight_smile: (also only coding as an adult because I never learned or knew how to as a kid)