3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Go Memes Pedantry
Matlab/Octave code to generate go board image
% 3D Profiled Go Board
% Author: MrEntropy
% History:
% 2021-5-8 -- First cut
% 2021-5-10 -- Minor code cleanup and added comments
% Tested with GNU Octave version 6.2.0
% grid spacing array
% lines spacing array
[xx yy] = meshgrid(a,a);
k=0.5; %height
% surface function
f = @(x,y) k*(1-x.*x).*(1-y.*y);
% gradient function (Workaround; Octave's gradient function only works with single variable functions)
only_x = @(fh,yv) @(x) fh(x,yv);
only_y = @(fh,xv) @(y) fh(xv,y);
grad3 =@(fh,x,y) [gradient(only_x(fh,y),x),gradient(only_y(fh,x),y),1];
function cmap=interpolateColor(c1,c2,n)
col1 = linspace(c1(1),c2(1),n)';
col2 = linspace(c1(2),c2(2),n)';
col3 = linspace(c1(3),c2(3),n)';
cmap = [col1,col2,col3];
% define custom color map
cmap = interpolateColor([200,130,10]/255, [235,240,30]/255,200);
% create figure and draw surface
% circle to be drawn at each star points
circle = 0.015*[cos(t),sin(t),0*t];
% calculate positions of star points
star_points = zeros(9,3);
star_points(1,:) = [0,0,f(0,0)];
star_points(2,:) = [-d,-d,f(-d,-d)+h];
star_points(3,:) = [-d,d,f(-d,d)+h];
star_points(4,:) = [d,-d,f(d,-d)+h];
star_points(5,:) = [d,d,f(d,d)+h];
star_points(6,:) = [0,-d,f(0,-d)+h];
star_points(7,:) = [-d,0,f(-d,0)+h];
star_points(8,:) = [d,0,f(d,0)+h];
star_points(9,:) = [0,d,f(0,d)+h];
% calculate normal vectors for star points
for i=1:9
n = grad3(f,star_points(i,1),star_points(i,2));
normals(i,:) = n/norm(n);
% calculate rotation matricies and rotate circles
normals_sph = cart2sph(normals);
rot_circles_cart = zeros(L,3,9);
for i=1:9
theta = normals_sph(i,1);
R1 = [sin(phi),0,cos(phi); 0, 1, 0; -cos(phi),0,sin(phi)];
R2 = [cos(theta),sin(theta),0; -sin(theta),cos(theta),0; 0,0,1];
for j=1:L
rot_circles_cart(j,:,i) = circle(j,:)*R1*R2;
% translate the circles
for i = 1:9
c(:,:,i) = rot_circles_cart(:,:,i) + repmat(star_points(i,:),L,1);
% plot the star point circles
hold on;
for i=1:9
% plot horizontal lines
for i=1:19
% plot vertical lines
for i=1:19
hold off;
edit hmm not sure how to format this on discourse but I spent too much time fiddling around in gimp to not post it click to expand and see the whole thing
How are there not more Babadook baduk memes
its better to cut long image on separate images and post them like this:
With apologies to とろろ
Context for anyone who has no idea what this is about
I’m sorry I think these are pretty inane… but after rewatching Tenet this weekend now that it’s on HBO max, and also playing 5D Chess I had to get them out of my system
Tenet Go looks like:
black stone placed, white stone removes, black stone placed, white stone removes …
so if you replay game backwards, it looks like white stone placed, black stone removes, white stone placed, black stone removes
and endgame (fuseki) will look like 9 stones handicap game
prototype v2:
on each move it should look like move is logical in current position, in both time directions
…hard to create
From the very interesting video Props for Male Roles - YouTube which is part of a Japanese series on kabuki theatre.
Congrats to those who recently received their first or second Good Reply (25 likes) badge in the thread.
belabacsijolvan for Go Memes! 🧐 - #2096 by belabacsijolvan
Leira for Go Memes! 🧐 - #2030 by Leira
BlueIvy’s second for Go Memes! 🧐 - #2006 by BlueIvy No joke, this has been my desktop background ever since (just the photos)
shinuito for Go Memes! 🧐 - #1800 by shinuito
shiroha for Go Memes! 🧐 - #1909 by shiroha
taatelikakku’s second for Go Memes! 🧐 - #1898 by taatelikakku
KitsuneNoGo for Go Memes! 🧐 - #2976 by KitsuneNoGo
papavero for Go Memes! 🧐 - #1797 by papavero
ginger2008 for Go Memes! 🧐 - #1682 by ginger2008
lucasfelix for the old post Go Memes! 🧐 - #698 by lucasfelix
liminal’s second for the even older Go Memes! 🧐 - #469 by liminal
MrEntropy for Go Memes! 🧐 - #2645 by MrEntropy – probably the first of many
majamin for the 2016 Go Memes! 🧐 - #30 by majamin
fledermaus for Go Memes! 🧐 - #2742 by 8fledermaus8
Great job!
My most-liked post (29), by the way, is still this (from 2021 R. & R. adjustments):
My other two Good Reply badges are from here, though.
I just got my third and fourth Good Replies in the space of two hours :3
The latter was for perhaps my favourite of all my memes, now almost two years old: