Even if you have to just steal them from reddit …
Even if you have to just steal them from reddit …
I was looking for memes to steal from reddit, when I stumbled across this odd one that mentions @mark5000
Oh my God. I hope that’s a good thing and not an annoyance.
Yeah … hopefully not a stalker!
Maybe someday someone might make a reddit meme about me:
“Me on OGS forums”
“Everywhere I go…”
“I see this ridiculous pedant…”
This one is still my favorite from reddit:
My only trophy is a bronze in a tournament with 3 participants.
7 posts were split to a new topic: Yebellz Tournament Thread (and poll!)
not all heroes wear capes, some wear hawaiian shirts
rip Nedry ;(
A post was merged into an existing topic: Yebellz Tournament Thread (and poll!)
Word Fred! Love this.
If it’s worth doing; it’s worth doing badly, rather than not at all.
The full quote is: “The key is not to lose a game or otherwise the top pros probably won’t play you.” (Andy Liu, 9-dan, The Surrounding Game)
It’s a seki!
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Go Jokes
Well, I hate love to be a pedant, so …