Go Zendo

What about?


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How about this Koan? My guess is this is red, maybe.

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Itā€™s green!


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There goes my theory :rofl:

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This might be harder than I thought. Perhaps an even larger board size might have helpedā€¦

Feel free to throw rule guesses at me. The counter examples will probably be more helpful now that there are lots of koans to compare.

Once again I donā€™t know how to start with formulating a consistent rule, bet perhaps youā€™d like to answer these questions:

Does the rule make reference to chains?
Does the rule make reference to liberties?
Does color inversion invariance hold?

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This seems like an important hint, but I canā€™t imagine how larger would make this easier.

I have still been unable to even come up with any rule that is consistent with everything. Hence, I have not guessed.

If someone else thinks of some possible rule, please guess it!

Neither chains nor liberties matter.

Color inversion does not make a difference as long as all stones are inverted.

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How about this statement:

If a board has rotational symmetry (rotating the board 180 degrees leaves it unchanged), it is green.

Edit: Whoops, there is already a counterexample:


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Will any of the following be helpful I wonder. Some of the most confusing ones involve only black stones and their positions.

In case the answers to the above doesnā€™t already provide a counterexample, I would be interested to know if this statement is true:

If there are only black stones on the board (and at least one black stone on the board), and the rightmost collumn is empty, then shifting all stones one step to the right always changes the color of the board.


I think these answer your question?



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The second pair is what I thought always happened, the first one is a counterexample. Thanks!

Let me know when you guys are ready for some more obvious hints. I donā€™t want anyone to feel annoyed, but I also donā€™t want to make it too obvious if youā€™re still thinking on it.

I feel like itā€™s a good compromise to allow arbitrary statements instead of guesses. Iā€™ll make some more later.

Hopefully you donā€™t mind the game taking a bit longer, donā€™t feel obliged to stick around to answer every post immediately :slightly_smiling_face:


No worries. Iā€™m working on some stuff anyway, just popping over if I see a notification come in.

Actually, Iā€™ve spent the last hour playing around with your code instead of working. Trying to learn how p5.js works. :slight_smile:

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For me, I think I just get like that sometimes. Some puzzles donā€™t click with me, or Iā€™ve misinterpreted something and get frustrated.

I donā€™t really see any pattern at the moment though. Itā€™s not to do with chains or liberties and its symmetric provided you flip all stone colours. I donā€™t think weā€™ve gotten further than that have we?

Iā€™ll just request another one, the cross cut.

