If I’m not mistaken, GaJ is saying a Greek person has the option to send Greek messages, and David is asking whether, when that Greek person sends a Greek message, will an English person see that same message show up as English?
To which I believe the answer is “no”, and I suspect the follow up questions would be “why not?” and “could it be? (at least for a small subset of pre-translated messages, such as ‘hello’)”
Please correct me if I have misrepresented either of your positions, or the facts of the matter.
From a technical perspective, its definitely possible, with frontend-only changes. It’s not as easy as running everything through _() though as that could lead to unwanted translations. The placeholder system (which is used to make clickable links to player/group/tournament pages) is one way to go, though not the only way.
These make for great “Good First Issues” by the way. If someone opens an issue on GitHub with a decent description, I would be happy to tag it and provide some code pointers.
If you put in your own message, we don’t translate that.
(Although we now have the capability to get AI to translate it, we could actually do that, if we were wiling to inflict AI translation errors on our custom user supplied messages).
I tested in one of my games. I submitted all of my messages, one custom and 4 standard. But when I changed my language, all 5 were still in English in the chat history, the 4 standard ones did not change as you seem to be describing.
Again, to be clear, the request is for all readers to see a submitted message in their own language, not for all senders to see the options in their language.
Ah, I see huh, I’m wrong: we get the standard messages translated into our language to submit but the user on the other end sees precisely what we submitted.
Hmm - it’d be nice if we did better than that
We do have display components that present “what the user typed and an auto translation into the viewer’s language”.
It’d seem pretty clunky to have that in the chat window, though, wouldn’t it?
Scroll down the comments to the comment from “rebirth101” here:
I like the customizability, and while autotranslated set phrases would be nice, I wouldn’t want to give up what we have; I think a separate feature for translated set phrases would be the only way to do it