Historically popular bots

March 2016 is definitely Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo peak.

Easiest explanation for steep decline in total bot games in mid 2016 is that bots were janky and broken.

Yes, second plot should show games from all bots (it’s a simple sum so games between bots are counted twice, unfortunately).

Top-10 pretty much contains all curves that were on top of everyone else at any moment. Amybot dominates last year. All hail amybot.

More like there’s something wrong with the people who abandon games like that. One of the reason meta left, wasn’t it?

I’m not sure what the question means. But I diligently went through 193 bots month by month. Top-10 is simply a nice round number.

I was very happy Random Bot made it. I played my very first game against it.

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