How do you pronounce "OGS"?

There are reasons for our Australian mods to be confused about ‘Goose’ and ‘House’ atm:

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That’s Scottish English / Scots, not Northern English (as TPR pointed out).

Although to be fair, I don’t know how far Scottish phonology seeps over the border. It’s not what I’d associate with “Northern English”, though.

I was quoting Geordies not Scottsmen… and they’d have your guys for garters if you suggested they were leaky Scotts…


Fair. I’m much more familiar with the Yorkshire accent so that’s where my mind goes on hearing the “Northern English” term.

Apologies for the false correction ^^

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9 posts were split to a new topic: History of the English pigs oppressing the Northern haggis-eating, caber-tossers

No discussion yet on the tones.
Would you agree on O1 G3 S4?


I just say ogues, first tone (flat)

I recently suggested it be pronounced “mogs”.

Alternatively, with OGS’ heavy adoption of twitch bannering, a case could be made for pronouncing it as “pogs”.

pog means “hype” on twitch, deriving from a now-replaced emote of the excited face of Ryan Gutierrez on winning a game of pogs (milk caps).

Oh, nothing new under the sun ^^


Mog: half man half dog. See also “own best friend”

OGS: Singular. Pronunciation: [Oh Jeez]
OGS’s: Plural/Possessive. Pronunciation: [Oh Jesus]


I wish I could unsee that. ^-^

It’s a great movie. Highly recommend :+1:


I never got around to watching Spaceballs.