How to interpret rating table?

There is no transitivity at all beyond the fact that you are the same person and some of the pools have data that overlaps.

Don’t think of them as parts of a whole. Think of them as totally unique views of you. As unique as your KGS, or Tygem, or Fox ranks may be.

The “overall” sections are not in any way an aggregate, each section is uniquely calculated from its own subset of games against the same section of each of your opponents.

It would be wrong to compare your corr rating with your live rating and conclude they’re saying you’re stronger at one than the other.

What you can do is compare your corr rating with another person’s corr rating and have some kind of prediction as to which of you would win a corr game.

Only your overall rating informs your rank and game pairings, all other ratings, while accurate, are merely cosmetic.

Hope i have answered some of your questions.

Our dev agrees, if all goes to plan we should have a shift in this direction this week :slightly_smiling_face: