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Your answer to P8 contradicts this proverb:

Play away from thickness at Sensei's Library

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I have doubts about these ideas but, might help with new move ideas?

Instinct moves, didn't read them out

8: K5
9: N6

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Well i ll give more time and answers in a few days.


I didn’t know the second part of that proverb. Thank you.

But is black shape thick?
Black has options to settle in the corner or come out, but that doesn’t seem very thick.
White O2 reduces base.
S2 removes eye space in the corner.
O5 is sente.
It seems to me that white could put pressure on that group to strengthen himself.
N3 seems quite a solid move.

Let’s say that I wouldn’t feel comfortable pushing white from left against that “wall”

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Yes, for me Black is thick. It is a wall with a lot of potential eyeshape. And compare with the white lonely stone: who is stronger? You see your own weaknesses but you also have to compare with your opponent’s weaknesses.

White doesn’t have time to play S2, because L3 is more important. When the fight settles down later, Black may play S2 at anytime if necessary.

White O2 reduces Black’s base, but White won’t play that immediately, otherwise Black will surround the L3 group, White will struggle to survive with 3 points while Black takes the outside.

N3 is solid but doesn’t allow White to live locally yet. Later Black can peep at M2 to remove White’s base.

Thoughts on Kaworu Nagisa's move (Problem 9)

I didn’t think about it, then White will play M5, and Black will build the bottom while attacking. It makes sense but may depend on what is on the left of the board.


On travel for a few days, sorry.

If it’s gonna be a few days, I guess I’ll explain my reasoning and what I “expect” from the sequences. I do not expect my responses to be the correct answers.


I know that moves 1 to 5 are “common” and I’ve seen them played out before. I knew that since black has a thick wall and the clear advantage in a fight, the severity of whites cuts would be diminished. However, I didn’t see the ladder. Thankfully, neither ladder works for white here.


All of blacks stones are “doing something productive”, while white is not gaining anything. Blacks stones are not in danger, while white has to keep running.


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Pb 8 is well answered by @Kaworu_Nagisa (common moves as he says) Some variations can be considered, but nvm this is the sharp way to go
pb 9 @jlt has the right sharp start this time, but after the following keima by white, there is another move to attack white on a bigger scale.


Some handicap hoshi josekis may offer inspiration

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Leaning attack?

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Yes @jlt (last two moves could be others but most important is the starting idea)

So still on travel but i can’t restrain myself. … Ok see you soon to continue with next problems

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Black to play




Black to play



Problem 10

I would cut. If possible capture 1 or 2 stones, if not try to get a strong position towards the center.



There is a more efficient way to do this.


Just strike at the vital point ?

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Yep. I let you imagine a few more following moves. This vital point gives white much less options as cutting.

I imagined a few continuations.

Continuation 1:

Continuation 2:

Continuation 3:

Not sure if the responses are optimal.

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It’s a good sign if you can’t find good moves for your opponent, even after several normal looking responses.


11? Another classic…


In your third variation, one can consider the clamp at R6 too for last move.


I thought about it but wasn’t convinced since White gets two cutting points after the wedge.



Cut the knight’s move?

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(11) Let say you don’t want to give up L3 but attack white globally.

On the clamp (10): simply connecting 1 and 5 leave black strong and white with a heavy group without eye (white capturing 3 will even not create an eye)

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