Is Fuego actually 4k?

Just not to steal the topic. The strength of robots of Fuego depends on hardware set up and setting. For same computer, 1 minute per move is lot stronger than 10 seconds per move. one example, at DGS, there are 2 robots running feugo, one at 2kyu another at 6kyu, all with real rank with hundreds of game records.

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It is the only reason I play with the bots at all. For example, if I have to wait several minutes for an opponent, I can start a game in the meantime and finish it after the other game. If I am waiting for my dinner to be ready, I can play 10 minutes of the game and finish it later. And of course, I keep the game window open and I end the game in the future.

Certainly, it does not mean that games should be kept indefinitely, but it is not automatically a waste of resources not to have the same playing habits as you.

Would a natural expiration (say 30 days) of paused games be an improvement over the current situation? If that’s a popular idea I can put it on github as an “enhancement.”


The first question is what effect the paused games have.

30 days seems fine to me, but depending on the drain on the system, the best number might be higher or lower.