the key word is actually in the phrase you used in your statement: established players, generally RD tends to be smaller the more often you play, as we have more evidence as to where they tend to fall, and volatilities are actually expected to be relatively similar for most players, so each player should approach a minimum for their frequency of play that indicates that we have a higher confidence in it appearing in a smaller region.
Now, of course, this assumes, like espo notes, that this is being taken advantage of.
This is my fear to the implementation of instant-time ratings periods… that it might forget the time aspect, leading to this phrase when I first mentioned the Lichess style updating
Is that you can’t actually follow the normal Step 6 of the glicko-2 algorithm in instant-time formulations, and actually need to add volatility2*time to make the update work effectively for such a system, since that time portion was normally updated at each ratings period step