Jigo implementation? ✅

I find the idea interesting, but I too would be against seeing it implemented on an official basis. It might be interesting if contained to specific scenarios, like a tournament. Playing with different settings or slight changes in rules is always fun in a tournament setting.


I wholeheartedly agree :smile:.


Based on how @opuss and @flovo (link) describe draw’s being treated when players have different ranks, I am not a fan of this either. It takes the notion of a tie and throws it out the window. Even in a draw, there is still clearly a winner. That doesn’t seem fair to me. I can see how a weaker player might be rewarded some points in a ranking system, to reflect that they were able to achieve a tie against a higher ranked player.

But for the stronger ranked player, it feels unsportsmanlike to punish them for a draw. I can wrap my head around why it is done inside the ranking system, but I personally wish that the stronger player’s points were not affected in this scenario.


I am dying to know this information. I wish OGS had a stats page that broke down different statistics for the platform. Something similar to the same treatment members get from the G0t Stats? Analystics Tool. I wonder who might even know such a thing :thinking:.


Yes. Yes it would :relieved:.