Language Learners' Library

Here’s a breakdown of the original languages or styles in which the books of my Top-75 list (at What would you choose for your personal library?) were written.

Title Language
The Spring and Autumn Annals Old Chinese
The Iliad, The Odyssey Homeric Greek
Works and Days Archaic Greek
The Histories Ionic Greek
The History of the Peloponnesian War, Anabasis Classical Greek
Argonautica, The Histories, The Aesop Romance, Meditations, Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, The Alexander Romance Hellenistic Greek
The Suda Medieval Greek
De Agri Cultura Old Latin
The Gallic Wars, The Civil War, The Conspiracy of Catiline Golden Age Latin
Rerum Rusticarum, De Lingua Latina, De Architectura, Aeneid, De Brevitate Vitae, Histories of Alexander the Great, De Re Rustica, Satyricon, Epigrams, Natural History, Germania, Tacitus’ Histories and Annals, Apicius / De Re Coquinaria, The Twelve Caesars, Metamorphoses / The Golden Ass (Long) Silver Age Latin
Historia Augusta Late Latin
Historia Regum Britanniae, Ysengrimus Medieval Latin
Principia, Systema Naturae New Latin
Milinda Pahna Pali
Manyoshu Old Japanese
Taketori Monegatari Early Middle Japanese
Hojoki Late Middle Japanese
Beowulf Old English
Winchester Chronicle Old / Middle English
The Canterbury Tales Middle English
Richard II Early Modern English
Roman de Renart Old French or “French” dialect
Van den vos Reynaerde Middle Dutch
Prose Edda Old Norse
The Travels of Marco Polo Franco-Venetian
Kalevala Finnish
The Ring Cycle German