Language Learners' Library

I’m having another go at learning Latin, starting today. My first and only language is English (not for lack of trying otherwise ;_; )

My resources are:

  • Oxford Latin Desk Dictionary (2005 edition)
  • Kennedy’s Revised Latin Primer (1962 edition)
  • So you really want to learn Latin Book 1, and answer book
  • A Loeb Classical Library Reader


  • The first few chapters of the Latin Primer copied out by hand, with a colour-coded declension chart
  • An entry-grade online Latin book called Cornelia
  • Some hand-translated sentences from same

My starting knowledge is:

  • Most of the pronunciation (I can’t roll an R, which is a sticking point. Short vowels at the end of words are also a bit unintuitive)
  • A few nouns
  • A few adjectives
  • Some present-tense verbs
  • Some declensions
  • Basic grammar