Language Learners' Library

OK, we’re going to start the day off light with a Radical Review.

First of all, let’s run quickly through the radical (to be).
It’s quite a rare radical, so we can list its associated kanji exhaustively.

他 (joyo) other / another
地 (joyo) ground / earth
池 (joyo) pond / ciston / reservoir
施 (joyo) give / perform

弛 (jinm.) slacken / relax
馳 (jinm.) run / gallop / sail / drive

釶 (hyo.) halberd
葹 (hyo.) cocklebur (a type of plant)
髢 (hyo.) wig

Now, a more common one: 广 (cliff)

広 (joyo.) wide / broad
庁 (joyo) government agency
応 (joyo) apply / reply / affirm
序 (joyo) beginning / occasion
床 (joyo) bed / floor / tatami
店 (joyo) shop
府 (joyo) borough / storehouse
底 (joyo) bottom / base / depth
拡 (joyo) extend / enlarge

庄 (jinm.) manor / village
庇 (jinm.) protect / eaves

庖 (hyo.) kitchen

Meanwhile in Latin, a spotlight on re- verbs. The re- prefix meant “back” or “again”.

Re- verbs include:

rebelló I revolt
recidó I recoil
redúcó I lead back
refició I rebuild
regeneró I reproduce
reinvító I reinvite
relegó I gather again
remigró I return
repónó I store
renuó I refuse
reprobó I disapprove
restinguó I extinguish
retexó I unravel
reviréscó I become verdant again