Discussion: Short Words
What are short words in your target language? Is there any meaning to them being short?
In Latin, most words are either duo- or trisyllabic. Monosyllabic words are unusual and often grammatical.
Some examples are:
mé – abl. and acc. of “I”
tú – nom. and voc. of “you” (abl. and acc. té)
nós – nom., acc., and voc. of “we”
uós – nom., acc., and voc. of “they”
in – in, at, on, while
sub – beneath, behind
ad – to, for
dé – concerning (about)
rés – thing (abl. ré)
os – bone
ós – mouth
bós – cow
flós – flower
mús – mouse
Looks like the -s ending is common for monosyllabic Latin words. Although a lot of Latin words end in -s anyway, so that doesn’t really tell us anything.