Let's Update The Readme File!

I never knew there was such a thing. It would have saved me time when I first started trying to figure out how to play go here. I think it’s great, though of course there’s lots more that would be very helpful to have in it. For instance, it says, “If you are ready to dive in and start playing then you can return to your home screen to find or create a new game.” Good, but how do you do that? It took me a fair amount of time to figure that out (OK, I’m not very intuitive).

I agree that it would probably be better to have this document on OGS. When I first looked at OGS, I was amazed that the bar at the top of the home page that begins with “= OGS Home Play Games…” doesn’t also have “HELP.”

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I’m glad to hear you think it’d be useful, I agree. Hopefully once it’s updated it will be easily findable. OGS is a beautiful server, but it’s also a work in progress, so I’m excited to help make it better and easier to use.


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