Life and Death under Chinese Rules

[20:57]dog emoji: can someone explain what happened here? it’s double ko so it should be seki but when the computer took my one stone, the server did not allow me to take the other one. so I had to pass and I lost

[20:57]dog emoji: even AI says I was winning until I was forced to pass

[20:58]dog emoji: game 56648836


When I click blue circle:

blue circle shouldn’t appear or it should be possible to click
bot ignores superko?

same position indeed was on move 86

so this is not seki under OGS interpretation of Chinese rules?

if black didn’t pass, white would die?


Superko kind of creates some weirdness with double ko seki and a number of other things can happen with unremovable ko threats and send two return one for instance.

Probably Black should pass now, and not capture the double ko

Then it’s probably a seki, where the first person to capture the double ko without an actual ko threat loses by the superko rule. Maybe it depends a little on resumptions, like if white passes and black passes, but then white resumes.

(edit: I suppose filling in your own area is a ko threat, lifts superko, but the opponent can just pass)

I feel like superko is just needlessly complicated to think about, especially when passes don’t lift the superko bans.