Long, all-day game

Yes, and considering the limits now.
It’s not first time that improvement on one side meet the threat of disfunctionment on the other side.

My own pov is no disconnection counter at all.

When i sign for an hour game, i don’t sign for playing all my moves under 1mn and i want to have time to get up and prepare myself a coffee. If someone wants to spend 10mn on a move, let’s be it. Those long time games are an opportunity for players with bad connection so why restrain them to come and join under that mn?

Better consider how to implement some alarm system when my opponent moves (i mean something i can hear being in my kitchen, a stronger one as the sound produced by a move, and as the counter on the main page or even still ringing if i left the browser?), so i can have another activity as waiting meanwhile.

From that thread

It’s not obvious at all why the timer was reduced to 1mn.