Method of Counting: Japanese vs. Chinese rules

If you want an example of Chinese counting

~4:52:10 in the video they count the game.

  1. Remove dead stones

  1. Count one colour - rearranging territories making sure not to nudge the boundaries. However you can add or take away any number of stones since 1 empty point = 1 stone = 1 point in area scoring

  1. It’s usually easy to count in 10s: bottom area is 20, left is 10, right is 20, top middle is 10, top left is 10.

  1. Put aside some stones to help keep track of the 10s from this phase, like 7 stones to represent the 70 points.

  1. Now just count the white stones in 10s again: 10 tens and a 7, is 107 stones.

  1. Add it all together and komi and compare to Black’s score. White is 70+107+7.5 komi = 184.5. If white has 177 on the board, then Black has 361-177=184, so white wins by half a point.

AlphaGo did in fact win by half a point as White in game 1.