Multiple mistakes in OGS Joseki position

I agree that it is a fair point.

It is actually serving to flush out some ambiguity in our definitions.

It is very clear that “Joseki” in OJE have to be Credible, with everything that we’ve discussed applying.

It is not so clear (in the documentation) whether this applies to every move of a sequence and it’s marking as “Ideal”.

It is not explicit whether every Ideal move has to be Credibly Sourced.

What it does say is:

“This […] cannot be shown as inferior to another choice.”

My opinion is that we would be best served if we tighten this up to mean “This cannot be Credibly shown as inferior”.

Or in other words, anything marked “Ideal” must be part of a Credible Joseki, which surely means it has been played by pros, or worst case documented by them even if we can’t find where they played it.

Note: the converse is NOT TRUE. Just because something IS a part of a Credible Joseki does not mean that it is Ideal. A move may be part of a Credible Joseki, but demonstrably inferior in the general case to some other Joseki move. This would make it Good not Ideal.

Edit: I’ve linked this post into the OJE documentation as an official supplement on the policy.