Reo is entering pro status soon so the honeymoon phase starts. Where he gets to lose to play famous players. I think that’s what it is. It was similar in Nakamura Sumire’s case, right. On the second of September at 15h he’s gonna play Yo Seiki 8p in a no komi game (he’s still done though). Hopefully it’ll be relayed somewhere where I can watch it. Kansai relays their games on weird platforms so I never get to see them, I think.
That’s the game
Looks like it really was only broadcasted in weird places where it’s not very convenient to watch it.
Shodan paper, I think
There’s this video where reporters bully the kid a little more
As you can see the father works at (or rather runs) acupuncture and moxibustion orthopedic clinic. Somewhat suspicious.
So the kid basically just sits at his father workplace and does go.
They praise his speed a little bit but come on, kids often play without thinking much.
I don’t remember if it was mentioned before but Reo liked othello. But they didn’t find classroom for othello, found one for go though which looked similar. And that’s how he started go. Sounds similar?
They also have him play ama 6d reporter. But you know, of course they aren’t gonna show the game. Only couple of shots. The reporter is black, starter with san ren sei
What is that bottom-right though. That’s not joseki. And yeah, very quickly black got wrecked.