No general rules to good/bad strategy

LOL, “clueless” is the most frequent comment in my Malkovich Logs :smiley:


Ye dude, I feel like richyfourtytwo. I think, when I was at around 13k I was the most confident about the stuff I played. But the more I learn, the more I think I know nothing.


Keep in mind that, as this is a two player game, weak and strong are not objective terms that you achieve, but rather relative to your opponent. Granted, a group with two perfect eyes will always be “strong” but that is also very slow to make.
If it helps, use the words weaker and stronger as they help you remember to find the comparative strength of a group in the context of its neighbours. This is why fighting strategies work, it doesn’t matter if your groups are weak, as long as they are stronger than your opponent’s. Likewise, solid play seeks to secure territory and strength while patiently waiting for a weakness to exploit in the opponents position.