OGS Ranking

Yes, stronger you are more luck you have but it’s still luck.


There are four colors in the chart, and I get confused reading their definitions. Which two pieces of the chart should be equal to show that one’s ranking is correct, please?

Look at the light/dark comparison, ignoring the colours. Colour shows wind and losses. Shading shows opponent strength.

For you, you are about 1/3 playing stronger opponents, 2/3 playing weaker opponents.

In any case now that I started playing a bigger mix of opponents my ranking began to return to the normal (I think the problem is that my account is too new so there is not enough statistics for a reliabla ranking yet). When you are ca 15 kyo and first play 30 matches or so against people who are 7 kyo to 4 dan, it’s probably not the best statistic for an accurate ranking.

Do you mean that I should group the light green and light purple slices together and treat them as one slice, comparing that slice to the combination of the other two colors (dark green and dark purple)?

Also, why is my ratio so far from half when I only play games by using Create to create ordinary 9x9 games? I always play with whomever responds, and I never refuse games unless the game ends due to the opponent not playing at all (which I suppose is usually due to a race condition). So shouldn’t my probability of playing stronger players be 0.5?

Only if you assume the number of players stronger and weaker than you is the same, and other players don’t care for your rank neither.

BTW: The rating system works better if you play close to your rank. If you play far away the uncertainty increases and therefore your rating will be more volatile.

The chart just shows if you opponent was weaker or stronger, not by how much. Playing up or down shouldn’t matter much if you you have a reasonable win rate. 25%-75% should work well. IIRC even 10% is ok.

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Idk but maybe more weaker players play 9x9 by accepting custom games in general and also what flovo said.

Do you accept custom games from other when you see them? Maybe accept such games if you notice they are offered by stronger players?

Assuming all your statements to be true, how do I get stronger players to play me? Is there a way I can lie about my rank, or otherwise fool them? Clearly, the motive must be that people prefer to win than to lose. I know that is certainly true for me. Whatever the relative player strength, I prefer to win than to lose. Is that why, at random, 2/3 of my games are with weaker players?

Something is wrong here, but I can’t put my finger exactly on what it is.

Well since you state that people prefer to win than lose it shouldn’t be too difficult to get stronger player to play you, since they will assume they can beat you!

But just accept games offered by stronger players or use the rank limitations to only offer say 0 to +3 rank from you.

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One way is to participate in the ladders. :slightly_smiling_face:


I have tried twice. Each time I got eliminated in the first or second round. I don’t find that fun, because it’s so short.

Ladders don’t eliminate. Maybe you are confusing them with automatic tournaments?


The only way to be eliminated is if you timeout of a game. I can’t remember the settings more but it’s something like 1 move per day minimum with a few days leeway from time to time.

It’s bit slower, like Fisher 3d + 1d (max 3d) ? If you are pushed out by timeout you can just restart.

Because you chose who you challenge you can play stronger opponents (up to 3 at the same time)


I guess I am. What, exactly, is a ladder? Are they open to 10k players with experience only on 9x9 boards?


The documentation is here:

Essentially anyone can join, you challenge people above you (you can jump up quite a lot of places of you like), if you win you take the spot above the person you beat, if you lose you stay where you are
People beneath you can challenge you.


There are ladders for each size, 9, 13, 19. It’s rated correspondance games and anyone can come and participate.


It sounds interesting, but I prefer live games to correspondence games because of my short attention span. Nevertheless, I will give it a try.


I understand, i am myself more a live game player.

What I have been doing are ( an estimation )
25% stronger up to 5 diff → in correspondence, you can think more thoroughly
50% the same rank → mix between live and correspondence to get max fun ( depend on personality )
25% lower rank → live to really affirm yourself that you are indeed stronger

and… participate in tournaments in between those three for unexpected matches!!