as a food for thought and possible brainstorming, I am hoping to revisit the code in two or three weeks, custom stones is the main idea, and if I find a good way, perhaps a better solution for blind and one-color go - although it would still be a bit of a compromise before it gets implemented as a full fledged backend feature… Any other ideas?
I was further thinking:
- currently if the images have non-square proportions, they align by their upper left corner. Would center of the image make more sense? I don’t want to make it an option as it seems like too minor a detail to clutter the interface with, so which is more probably usefull?
- would it be worth it to try and build a larger default “library” of some CC0 images instead of the current 5 textures and some flat defaults? Or is it again just a clutter and custom upload is enough?
- anything else comes to mind?