Persistence of group chat

I think the bottom line of all the advice gathered here and given in private, is that the OGS chat really isn’t the best medium for what you want, which seems to be long term group discussions. OGS chat is mostly there for short banter.
There are several options that are far more dedicated to having organised discussions in group setting, among which:

  • A private thread here on the forum, which is still native to OGS (not optimal, but better than the OGS chat)
  • Discord or Slack is specifically made for communicating with a group, and have options to create separate channels, restrict channels to certain members, moderate chat, file sharing, voice / video communication, and of course most importantly: chat is persistent
  • If your go club has a website, you could considering installing a forum on your own site. That way you can organise topics more clearly and have all the freedom you need.

I strongly recommend to move your go club conversations to one of these places, and let the OGS chat for what it is: short idle conversation.

Our forum uses discourse, you could take a look at their site to find more about it.


I don’t know why you think that; it’s not what I said at all.

If you don’t want to increase the number of chat lines persisting, then don’t. It was just a suggestion.

Thanks for your recommendations for alternative channels of communication. We have other means at our disposal. In general, we are very much enjoying playing go on OGS. Keep up the good work all of you, for which, many thanks.

Thanks also for the link to the ‘discourse’ forum system documentation too. I will try to find time to find out more about it if I use the forum again.

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There’s a forum tutorial as well if you ask

@discobot help

You can just create a thread with you in it, or just message discobot by clicking it and message button. There some command like ‘begin tutorial’ and ‘begin advanced tutorial’. It’ll say it when you ask to display help

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Thanks for the info, shinuito.