Where to begin. The title of this post should be “Petition for new flag”, not “Petition for new country”. Having a flag on OGS is not what defines a country as a country, and many of the flags on OGS are for principalities, unions and city-states, as well as fictional entities. Having your flag recognised on OGS is not a step towards secession, contrary to what the title of this post implies.
While I appreciate that you place us noble Scots above Texans for some reason,
I take issue with this. For starters, OGS having a flag is not “acceptance as a country”, as I have already mentioned, but that is not why I take issue.
My main issue is that you seem to have a problem with the inclusion of the Texan flag due to political implications. Let us consider that Northern Ireland is a country which exists as a result of the British occupation of the island of Ireland. Yet the flag of NI is included on OGS. If I suggested that I should leave OGS due to the inclusion of the NI flag, I would not expect to be taken seriously, much less any action to be taken as a result of this.
Furthermore, this issue cannot be avoided as all flags are tied to some collective identity, and politics follows naturally from this. Consider what the American flag means to people in Iraq and Afghanistan; or what the flag of Saudi Arabia means to Yemeni people. Yet, would we even begin to consider that these flags should not be allowed on the basis of offending the political sensibilities of users?
Once we start to disallow flags because we do not agree with the political alignments they represent, we begin to walk a dangerous line, and, except in extreme cases, all flags should be allowed.
Hardly. Clearly, if the Texan flag were added, the flags for the rest of the states would have to be included too.
Then, you would be tacitly endorsing the politics of each individual state by inclusion or omission, which is also not a good road to go down. In my opinion, it has to be all or nothing on this one.
Anyway, my point is that the inclusion of a flag by OGS is not an endorsement of the policies or actions of that entity.
I, for one, am grateful that OGS have included the Saltire as a flag, because Scotland is often overlooked as “just a part of the UK”, and, I am impressed that they even have the flag of Western Sahara, which is occupied by Morocco and struggles for recognition of any sort. Keep up the good work in this area, and all the best to the OGS team and everyone posting on these forums. Peace.
Thankfully for us, that referendum was advisory and not legally binding, so we may escape the sorry mess that the UK has become, yet!