Poll: how would you score if you were the auto-score algorithm?

Begin bot :robot:

I am bot. I cannot explain nuance. But I can state my algorithm:

  • All stones on the board are assumed alive unless players tell me that they agree they are dead.

  • Empty intersections connected to stones of one color only are territory of that color.

  • Empty intersections connected to stones of both colors are neutral.

  • Alive stones touching neutral points are in seki.

  • Under Chinese rules, territory surrounded by stones in seki count as points; under Japanese rules, they do not.

End bot :robot:

(Note that in the OP, all games are Chinese rules and 5.5 Komi)


Game 1: B+18.5

Game 2: B+35.5

Game 3: W+41.5

Game 4: B+12.5

Game 5: W+6.5

Simple algorithm. No need to judge life and death. No need to judge open borders. Game is scored as it is. Never fails. If players choose to:

  1. Pass before borders are closed and/or before dame are filled; and

  2. Also leave without marking dead stones

then that is their free choice but don’t be surprised if the auto-score does not guess where you would have played! (How can it?)

Players must do at least point 2 above (or do point 1 plus capture all dead stones) to ensure auto-score is as they want it automatically.