Project Euler / programming problems

python with a little numpy
import numpy as np;

def is_prime(x):
    test = False;

    for j in range(2,int(np.sqrt(x)) + 1):
        if x%j == 0:
            return test;

    test = True;    
    return test;

def primes_list(x):

    while count<x:
        if is_prime(k):
            plist[count] = k;
            count += 1;

        k += 1;
    return plist[-1];

N = 10001;


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I just did it a silly way, to get the answer :slight_smile: I don’t really want to compete with anyone just see what other people did, and if they optimised then cool :slight_smile:


oh that place. Yeah I can’t imagine I want to compete with people there.

Maybe if the problem was more well defined on what one should optimize. Again as mentioned the quickest method is just to google the prime or ask wolfram etc and then have your function just return that number :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh wait what? So there is a sub-ns solution for the primes thing??

executed in nanoseconds

Is also fairly ambiguous. Maybe we could do a bruteforce solution in picoseconds on a quantum architecture.

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My code is as always not pretty, but mathematically efficient, it runs O(n*log(n))

problem 7, py
def isPrime(n,primes):
    i = j = 0
    while primes[j] < math.sqrt(n):
        j += 1
    for i in range(j+1):
        if (n/primes[i]).is_integer():
            return primes
        i += i
    return primes

def getNthPrime(n):
    primes = [2]
    i = 3
    while len(primes) < n:
        primes = isPrime(i,primes)
        i += 1
    return primes.pop()


I just noticed Euler website has a… friend(?) feature. It seems you can add friend and view others’ progress I guess? Not very proud of my progress but anyone want to be friend? :sweat_smile:


I added you @Chinitsu. I guess it works unilaterally, if I know your key?

Here is my key if anyone wants to add me:


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How do you get O(nlogn)?

if the number of primes below N is asymptotically N/log(N), it seems like isPrime() will be O(sqrt(N)/log(N)), and therefore the overall algorithm will be O(N^(3/2) / log(N))

there could totally be some sum identity I’m missing here, that’s why I’m asking

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Ah, yes you are 100% right, I was daydreaming.
But pragmatically, O(sqrt(n)/log(n)) is as ‘only a tiny bit’ worse than O(log(n)) as it gets :smiley:
In fact, for the ln, for 10’001, sqrt(n)/ln(n) is a more conservative bound than ln(n).

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Oh hey @Yebellz I noticed you also did the #81, #82, #83 chain. Did you happen to use A* too? :sweat_smile:

Any interest in #7 or possibly #8 @bugcat? :slight_smile:

I’m reading #8 and I can’t even understand it.

Not sure yet if I understand it correctly:

So they have that 1000-digits number. And they just pick 4 adjacent digits in that number, calculate their product. The 4 digits picked that way with highest product is 9989.

Not they want us to do the same thing but with 13 adjacent digits instead of 4.

Basically you are supposed to slide a running window of 13 digits across that long number to detect when the product becomes maximal.
The general question would be, for any very large number, what is the n-digit window with the highest product.

Sure we’ll post #8 anyway:

The four adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product are 9 × 9 × 8 × 9 = 5832.


Find the thirteen adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product. What is the value of this product?

Yeah it’s this I think :slight_smile: . Just run over the big number and multiply the digits and find the biggest product of those digits.

Simple enough idea in python
N = "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934\

max_prod = 0;

for j in range(0,len(N)-12):
    test = N[j:j+13];
    test_prod = 1;
    for k in test:
        test_prod *= int(k);
    max_prod = max(test_prod,max_prod);


I did learn how to break up really long lines of code though :slight_smile:

I still find starting indexes at zero very confusing.


Oh I see.

Are you a lua programmer?

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More or less a 1-liner but eslint forced me to be tidy :(
const biggestProductOf = (digitNo) =>
  Array.from({ length: numberArr.length - digitNo }, (_, i) => i).reduce(
    (max, i) =>
        numberArr.slice(i, i + digitNo).reduce((prod, curr) => prod * curr, 1)

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Devil’s spawn.

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I’m not a programmer no. I don’t think I’ve looked at lua before no.

I’ll redact that, zero indexing is fine, swapping between the two is the confusing part :stuck_out_tongue: It probably does make more sense in some ways.

I made some brief remarks about those problems, as well as the related problems 18 and 67, above:

I did not use A*, but instead a more basic dynamic programming solution. I wanted to make the coding as simple as possible, and don’t even bother recording the best path, but just the best cost.

Problem 81, like problems 18 and 67, are notably easier than the rest, since one just needs to do a single forward sweep through the graph, to incrementally compute the best cost to each node.

Python Solution for 18 and 67

The solutions for both problems use the same code, but just take different inputs, i.e., run with python p018_triangle.txt or python p067_triangle.txt

import fileinput
import numpy as np

values = []
for line in fileinput.input():
    line = [int(i) for i in line.rstrip().split(' ')]

for i in range(1, len(values)):
    previous = values[i - 1]
    left = np.concatenate((previous, [0]))
    right = np.concatenate(([0], previous))
    best = np.maximum(left, right)
    values[i] = values[i] + best

Python Solution for 81
import numpy as np

costs = np.genfromtxt('p081_matrix.txt', delimiter=',')
total = np.zeros((80, 80))

for row in range(80):
    for col in range(80):
        if row == 0 and col == 0:
            total[row, col] = costs[row, col]
        elif row == 0:
            total[row, col] = costs[row, col] + total[row, col - 1]
        elif col == 0:
            total[row, col] = costs[row, col] + total[row - 1, col]
            a = costs[row, col] + total[row - 1, col]
            b = costs[row, col] + total[row, col - 1]
            total[row, col] = a if a < b else b

print(total[79, 79])

On the other hand, my solutions for problems 82 and 83 perform iterative updates. When one node’s best cost is updated, it marks the neighboring nodes to be rechecked in the next iteration. In practice, it converged rather quickly to the optimal costs.

Python solution for 82
import numpy as np

SIZE = 80 # use smaller values to truncate the problem for testing

costs = np.genfromtxt('p082_matrix.txt', delimiter=',')[:SIZE, :SIZE]
# costs = np.genfromtxt('p082_test.txt', delimiter=',')[:SIZE, :SIZE]

total = float('inf') * np.ones((SIZE, SIZE))


def update(row, col):
    best = total[row, col]
    cost = costs[row, col]
    if row > 0:
        above = total[row - 1, col]
        if above + cost < best:
            best = above + cost
    if row < SIZE - 1:
        below = total[row + 1, col]
        if below + cost < best:
            best = below + cost
    if col > 0:
        left = total[row, col - 1]
        if left + cost < best:
            best = left + cost

    check[row, col] = 0
    if best < total[row, col]:
        total[row, col] = best
        if row > 0:
            check[row - 1, col] = 1
        if row < SIZE - 1:
            check[row + 1, col] = 1
        if col < SIZE - 1:
            check[row, col + 1] = 1

total[:, 0] = costs[:, 0]
check = np.ones((SIZE, SIZE))

iterations = 0
while(np.sum(check) > 0):
    iterations += 1
    for i in range(SIZE):
        for j in range(SIZE):
            if check[i, j] > 0:
                update(i, j)


print(np.min(total[:, SIZE - 1]))
Python solution for 83
import numpy as np

SIZE = 80 # use smaller values to truncate the problem for testing

costs = np.genfromtxt('p083_matrix.txt', delimiter=',')[:SIZE, :SIZE]
# costs = np.genfromtxt('p082_test.txt', delimiter=',')[:SIZE, :SIZE]

total = float('inf') * np.ones((SIZE, SIZE))


def update(row, col):
    best = total[row, col]
    cost = costs[row, col]
    if row > 0:
        above = total[row - 1, col]
        if above + cost < best:
            best = above + cost
    if row < SIZE - 1:
        below = total[row + 1, col]
        if below + cost < best:
            best = below + cost
    if col > 0:
        left = total[row, col - 1]
        if left + cost < best:
            best = left + cost
    if col < SIZE - 1:
        right = total[row, col + 1]
        if right + cost < best:
            best = right + cost

    check[row, col] = 0
    if best < total[row, col]:
        total[row, col] = best
        if row > 0:
            check[row - 1, col] = 1
        if row < SIZE - 1:
            check[row + 1, col] = 1
        if col > 0:
            check[row, col - 1] = 1
        if col < SIZE - 1:
            check[row, col + 1] = 1

total[0, 0] = costs[0, 0]
check = np.ones((SIZE, SIZE))

iterations = 0
while(np.sum(check) > 0):
    iterations += 1
    for i in range(SIZE):
        for j in range(SIZE):
            if check[i, j] > 0:
                update(i, j)


print(total[-1, -1])
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