Proposal: New users choose beginner/intermediate/advanced and drop ranked game restrictions

How did we go from too long to too short? The ranks associated to the categories need to be made clear.

As a current 1 kyu, I likely would have chosen “Intermediate” if I didn’t see the ranks, and I can assure you that starting ~ 10 kyu vs ~ 3 kyu would be a different experience.

I’ve mentioned this before (here): people can be quick to label someone a sandbagger or just turn down games because you have a long winning streak.

I’d like to be able to start at the appropriate rank. Please make sure ranks are clearly marked.

As a sidenote, polls are biased and not great without a larger sample and the categorical variables needed to segment them. The results in this case are likely strongly biased by the users current rank and the experiences they’ve had starting a new account (either here or on other servers).