Proposition: Loss by timeout in correspondence games should not affect rank

Hello everyone on this thread. I have located OGS’s statement during the rankings change regarding the issue of this thread. “Players who timeout of a correspondence game will be flagged. Their ratings will be adjusted normally for the first timeout, however if they timeout of any more correspondence games while the flag is set we will no longer ding their rating, protecting them and the system from mass timeouts. Players with this flag set will not be able to join correspondence tournaments or ladders until they clear the flag by completing a ranked correspondence game over the course of at least two days with some kind player willing to give them another chance.”

So, I ask the earlier posters on this thread (Green As Jade, BHydden, etc.), why would this policy not allow the winner of the timeout to still have their score adjusted accurately? Someone posted above in this thread that solution, which seems fair given that that individual has invested great time and effort in the game and in some cases was winning, and perhaps resoundingly.

BHydden made a great point in the post above about not counting wins and losses based on timeout can have more of an effect on ratings overall than simply counting them.

Note: even if one argues that giving the opponents a winners bump in their kyu rating would affect the overall ratings system, the counter argument is that some of those opponents were winning, some losing, so the affect in the system is actually, on average, minimal. And if all timeouts were scored accurately in terms of kyu effect, the overall effect on scores would be mitigated, on average.