Puzzle junk

You are funny.

I am honestly getting kind of confused by the heated discussion :smiley: so to try and give direct example about what I mean as to avoid misunderstandings.

As far as I am concerned there is NO benefit to anyone (be it the creator or random observer) in having puzzles like these accessible from the public collection. None.
Play Go at online-go.com! | OGS ← fake puzzle as not to insult anyone, but very close to real examples

If anoek can make it so that we do not delete the puzzle, just make invisible to the public (and still shareable via link), until edited, GREAT! Problem solved for everyone? If it would be too much work for now, I can honestly live with the risk of slight annoyance to someone. That is not that much work to recreate, and I am willing to bet 99% of these are just accidents/abandoned testing. I do not really think anybody would care.

But, that’s not even close to the same thing… Puzzles are public collections for people to presumably browse through and find interesting problems to solve. If the puzzle has no solution or is not understandable it makes no sense to have it in a public collection… That’s just not what the feature is for IMHO.


I mean it sounds heated but I’ll probably just accept whatever decision in the end.

Still I don’t think it sounds like a great policy to force people to hide their puzzle unless it’s “good enough”. It also sound like it takes more work to constantly moderate it.

Like realistically one might as well just make a separate section for curated puzzles or verified puzzles as @teapoweredrobot mentioned


I don’t think there really is any proper use of puzzles at the moment, people can use it for self study, people republish entire Tsumego collections - which lets be frank, are we sure we are allowed to host?, or people probably test things, or maybe people use them for teaching, I’m not quite sure.

I think this is the crux of it.
I always assumed that puzzles were offered as a learning resource for people who want to practice solving puzzles. However, it seems clear that it’s at least as much about a function for people to practice authoring or setting puzzles.

We should probably determine the use case and tailor to that. Do we actually want to host puzzles/collections or should we just be linking out under “other go resources”?

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In that case, if a collection is not good enough, can’t moderators make it private? That sounds much better than altogether deleting it without warning.

Just chiming in to say “noted”, I’ve added it to the TODO list. I’m doing a lot of bug fixes at the moment, but will cycle back to feature development and improvements after that.