Quantum Go

It looks like it could be fun to try out. The second video is a bit much to take in without having tried it, but it seems like it makes sense.

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Seems funny, I will try it for 100 games.:heart_eyes:

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It seems a bit difference from what I imagine, but it is funny too. In sensei’s library, there is only one kind of quantum go, Quantum Go at Sensei's Library
And it is the same to [1603.04751] Quantum Go
It was created when AlphaGo fighting LeeSedol.

with Shor’s algorithm one could search all the possible go game trees in polynomial time, I think a quantum computer could pick the optimum move relatively quickly from simulating all possible outcomes at once, which wouldn’t require training like alphago

somebody playing on that quantum go server vs the ai.

and somebody else - just looking through the recent twitch vods

I haven’t tried playing this yet, but from the PDF: “There are no true sekis in the game.”

Can anyone who’s played it explain why this would be the case?


Since you always need to play on two or three locations your opponent only has a chance to capture you with his next move. This is because after your move there are realities where your group has two liberties and realities where your group has one liberty. After your opponents move you have a chance to capture him, therefore the player who is behind should initiate the schrödinger’s capturing race.