Fair, pre computer organizers obviously ran tournaments, so I’m sure it’s doable. But the editable/automated collection and reporting of information surely has some benefits, no? Regardless your experience is valid, thanks for sharing!
In part it’s because I only know how to build web applications, not desktop ones. But there are other benefits, such as being able to send pairings to players or a live list standings for people to check. These are benefits every TD can recognize.
And luckily every location that I’ve played in for at least the past 10 years has had internet. And as a backup my phone is able to act as a mobile hotspot.
Honestly the card method sounds really cool! But I promise the software is more than a glorified spreadsheet. Although it can definitely be improved and the simplicity of the card method is not to be undervalued.
A super important question. To me it seems the answer is essentially the story we tells ourselves. For some, having defined rounds helps that story feel more authentic.
But games played in an arena tournament aren’t casual and can effect rating points. It’s just as legitimate as any other tournament assuming the time settings are long enough and the rules are enforced.