A suggestion: it would be nice if you include also the result
very well done!! a different game problems!!
only a feature quest…can u display the rank of the problem and also the ELO rating?
very very thanks!!
Of the game you mean? That’s a good idea, I’ll add it to the todo list
only a feature quest…can u display the rank of the problem and also the ELO rating?
This should be displayed after you attempt the problem in the info box on the right (or on the bottom on mobile). Is that not working for you?
There are no universal Elo ratings for go, so which one do you mean? Elo ratings from OGS or goratings.org or DeepMind or something else? (note that EGF ratings are not Elo ratings)
Me parece una idea estupenda. He entrado y visto algunos de los “problemas” y para mi que estoy empezando a aprender go creo que van a ser una ayuda inestimable. Muchas gracias por tu trabajo.
I think they possibly meant an internal ELO of the puzzle for the site itself, so one can see how hard that particular puzzle was relative to other RGP users.
Cool idea, I look forward to checking it out