Robots in Terrihill: Werewolf Game 3.0

As promised, the story,

I only quoted the posts that others wrote because I felt no need to quote myself.
Edited to be more compact.


The town of Terrihill had many legends and myths about how it had come to be called Terrihill. Some say it was due to ancient experiments done in the town, while others thought it was because a terrifying ghost haunted the town. The inhabitants though, would say otherwise. The whole town knew each other. None of them had ever seen a ghost. They didn’t even know where someone could make experiments, even ancient ones. They had heard stories about how their ancestors had come to this town when nothing was there, built it up from the ground, brick by brick. As far as they were concerned, nothing bad had ever happened there, that is until one day. It was an ordinary day, kids went to school, adults went to work, everything seemed to be going smoothly. Everyone loved the weekly town meetings on Fridays when they went to the town hall to just talk and have fun(the meetings for bettering the community were the third Wednesday of every month), and it was a Friday so everyone was excited for the meeting. Suddenly, halfway through the meeting, a ghost appeared. It looked like a human, but it seemed mostly robot. No one recognized it, except for Haze, who had a grim expression on his face. “Th the robots… fr from the experiments…Th they came back?” he stuttered. No one knew what he was talking about, but before they could ask him, suddenly the lights went out. There was a bright flash, and then a scream. When the lights came on, Haze was there, in his seat, dead. Dead from a laser.

The people in the room together quickly decided to go to Haze’s house. In all the times that people had gone, none of them were ever allowed in the basement. No one knew why that was. They went to his house, and looked in the basement. Everyone was shocked to see what looked like a laboratory in his basement. Then someone said, “Look at the desk!”. Right on top of the desk were two items. A notebook labelled “Human Robot Experiments and Results” which appeared to be in Haze’s handwriting, and a piece of paper right next to it with a note in someone else’s handwriting, “We will come back to kill you, and everyone else in the town. -Your Robot Guinea Pigs”.

Suddenly the town came to a judgement. The robots are here and they want their revenge.

The only problem was, they didn’t know a thing about the robots. Luckily for them, they had a notebook from the lab, and luckily for them, it had some answers.

The robots seem just like humans and act similar too. The robots kept the hearts from their old selves(when they were human), and it is located in the same place too. It is kept in some fluid substance that Haze had written as stedic, but no one knew what it actually was. It was also kept behind a thin panel so it wasn’t out in the open. It said this one weak spot was designed just in case the robots rebelled. They would only die if that heart stopped beating. Also, the robots had a limited energy that could be stored in their bodies due to the fact that if they had too much energy, their hearts would stop beating. They had to charge it every night, and sometimes sooner if they used any special abilities they were given. Then someone’s kid asked, “What are the special abilities that they have?” It was a valid question, and an important one at that, but it seemed like it should of been the ripped out page right next to where it stated how abilities took extra energy so they were only able to use 1 ability per day or they would collapse on the spot(they would also collapse if they didn’t charge overnight.). Another bad thing was that there were no names or photos, only rough sketches of the robots, so they couldn’t decide who was who that way.

No one spoke, until someone mentioned what they already knew, “The only way to survive is to kill all of the robots. We may see some people die, and we may have to kill others, but if we sit idly by and do nothing, only the robots will survive this. We need to do something.”

Mad scientist Vep:

Town Meeting #1:

One day had passed since the death of Haze, and although the town didn’t like what he had been up to, the town still had come together in an emergency meeting to decide if anyone should die at their hands that evening, or if they would let everyone walk out alive, until the next morning. Otherwise, the robots would surely kill them, just like they killed Haze the night before.

Haze side note:

Unfortunately for Haze, who became a ghost, ghosts are unable to like posts in this thread or post during the day phase. I guess that is one benefit of living. At least he still gets to watch the robots he made and the townspeople talk during the day and vote. He gets a little bit of entertainment while he is still a ghost. He can only watch to see who will win in this town, until his secret plans are complete.

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