Saxmaam's Slow Go

so i can’t edit the previous post any more. I’ll make this post about the end of december 2023. Mainly I want to finish this goal:

book: Level Up 3 - a review, but worthwhile

puzzles: attempted all of the 24kyu or weaker problems on, solved many

interesting life and death situations. i lost bigly
helpful review for above game
live game 12/27
and here’s some other possibilities
judgement (this is bigger than that, also a L&D)
ai suggestions (follow link and backup 1 before looking)
squeaked out a win through blunders and endgame
9x9 oversights

[[Study Group] Essential Life and Death Patterns](Life and death study group (yebellz))

live focus games (experimental, 13x13, komojo): (1) cut cut cut! (2) ?

looked at my reviews from august 2018 post