Still no rengo?

The recent pros vs supporter + ai game could’ve been on OGS :slight_smile:

I’m wondering for pair go an team go:

  • It’s usual that the players on the same team don’t communicate in pair go right? Would it be expected that in team go the players would or wouldn’t communicate - maybe that can just be a setting? A shared demo board would be cool or some way of pinning it as yebellz said.

  • If it’s the case where you don’t communicate moves, should it show who’s to play next to all players or just say Team A/Team B? There’s the idea of a Pair Go tesuji, where you play a ko threat to avoid the stronger player making a move, or similarly to give the stronger player the choice or the next big move. This would be be easier to do I’d say if you could see whose turn was next. (It would be nice if spectators could see whos turn it was though for live games)

  • Would there be an extra rating for this team/rengo to play it ranked or would it somehow merge into the current ratings like with 9x9, 13x13 etc.