Stone removal and scoring updates

ah, its old game

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Don’t lose so many stones :wink:


transparent red lines may look better
go is about painting board in black territory and white territory
currently it looks like that also (3rd) red territory exists, it doesn’t look cool.


or maybe instead of painting any cross over stones, just display them as stones that are broken into 2 parts. Then board background would be the line that separates it.


no weird red color


When the only thing to complain about is the colour of dead-stone-marking you know the update nailed the problem :slight_smile:

If the dead-stone-mark is an icon/image we could make it customizable.

I think it should be a skull.


These are great improvements - thanks @anoek!


Battle-go skins for OGS supporters where dead stones are animated soldiers being struck down by surrounding groups.


Seriously, I would stop to play on OGS if red lines stay…Or I can also resign all my games

Ceasing to use OGS because you don’t like a “dead stones” symbol (that most of the time will only be shown a couple seconds) seems curious to me, but it’s your choice. However it’s certainly not a reason to break the rules by resigning.

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When resigning, dead stones don’t appear

I understand that. But dead stones also appear in games you are winning, and resigning those would be against the rules.

What is against the rules of life is hurting people’s eyes

i don’t like the new look

maybe take some getting used to

i’ll check back in a week or two

Are you referring to the svg change or this scoring update? the svg change was wonderful in that it will going forward make it much easier to refine the graphics, so that has and will improve whenever someone volunteers to make svgs that people agree are better than the current ones

Yeah I prefer the old method of just having them transparent… Maybe it will be good if there’s a choice

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“sweet home alabama…”

Could the red X be bit more vibrant colour on the accessible theme? The current one is ok when its over white stones, but for black stones its “dark on dark”, making it bit hard to see

I’ll revisit the stone removal aesthetics as I work through wrapping up the SVG renderer. I do think we need something more than just the transparent stones though, it came up often enough that it was confusing for beginners, so it wasn’t clear enough is the take away I got.


I think the problem is that there is too much information we get from a single dead stone. There are:

  • stone itself
  • territory underneath
  • red cross indicating the stone status

I’m not sure what to suggest, as it seems we simply can’t cut any of those layers. Maybe making a dead stone transparent and smaller in size could help to reduce the number of colors to interpret.

Alternative: red circles around stones so the territory marker and the status indicator won’t cross and confuse.


How about make the X match the color of the territory (white, black, or clear) instead of having a separate territory square? That’s one less layer in the stack.


I think we need to draw, but your idea is very interesting, I agree. The reason I like the territory square approach is its consistency.

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