I’m using the (EDIT: now I’m using beta-ai.online-go.com which seems to more reliably allow cross-site scripts) endpoint, which returns positive or negative fractional values depending on whether the region is expected to be “owned” by black or white, with larger magnitudes representing higher certainty, I think. An “unsettled” stone is then one that might be dead (owned by the opposite color) or alive depending on who plays first. My only goal here is to settle the unsettled stones as either dead or alive, so I’m not trying to actually count the score or make any decisions about dame vs. territory.https://ai.online-go.com/api/score
I’m assuming that once alive/dead is determined, we could just count the score using the normal rules of go. That also means that this algorithm also isn’t going to do anything to resolve open borders; it seems fine to leave that to the players to resolve by resuming play.
By the way, I think the autoscore AI must be doing something a little different:
Since I’m just checking positive/negative “ownership”, I don’t ever end up with any seki points: