Title Tournament Announcements

Thanks for reporting it! I don’t have an android device at hand to debug, and when I tried safari on my iphone there seems to be an “Expand Table” button floating around. Will see if I can improve the formatting to make the tables more compatible …

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Happy New Year! The OGS Mingren Nines Title Tournament 2021 will kick off in 5 days on Jan 15, 2022. Please sign up here and have fun!

Tournament Result Update

  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Matches
    12th Kuksu Main 2019 Sadaharu [5d] tegais [6d] W+R B+R W+R B+R B+R
    • In Alan Turing Main 2018 finished in December 2020, AquaBot won the 1st place with 25 pts (winning all games). Tokumoto obtained the 2nd place with 22 pts. Sadaharu got the 3rd place with 20 pts. Here are players with 14+ pts among 138 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Alan Turing Main 2018
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold AquaBot [9d] 25 1 1st Main Gold trophy
    1st Main trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver Tokumoto [1d] 22 1 1st Main trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze Sadaharu [4d] 20 1 21st Main trophy - [7T]11G8S2B
    3 Neandertaler [4d] 18 1
    4 gamesorry [2d] 17 3
    5 gugamircea[2k] (3d) 17 2 SDK - 1st place
    6 oursino [5d] 17 2
    7 GoSeigenTwitch [5d] 16 1
    8 hokaw [3d] 16 2
    t RoyalLeela [7d] 16 1
    9 marigo [1k] 15 3 SDK - 2nd place
    t RoyalZeroSlow [7d] 15 1
    10 havefun [1k] 14 4 SDK - 3rd place
    11 Träumerin [1d] 14 1
    12 noobakos [1k] 14 2
    13 mipli [1d] 14 2
    14 Celebrir [1k] 14 2
    15 Samick [3k] 14 4
    t pstraus [1k] 14 2
    36 regina25 [12k] 7 6 DDK - 1st place
    • In Meijin Nines 2020 ended in November 2020, Myosu won their first gold trophy with 22 pts. AlGebr got the 2nd place with 19 pts and lovecall got the 3rd place with 18 pts. Here are players with 15+ pts (and the best DDK) among 128 players:
    Meijins Nines 2020
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold Myosu [8d] 22 1 1st Nines Gold trophy
    1st Nines trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver AlGebr [3d] 19 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze lovecall [3d] 18 2 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 gamesorry [2d] 17 1
    t Uri-ChoRong [8d] 17 1
    5 popop [2k] 16 1 SDK - 1st place
    6 找借口安静 [2d] 16 3
    7 S_Alexander [1d] 16 1
    8 Nonactivate [1k] 16 2 SDK - 2nd place
    9 zanio [1k] 16 1 SDK - 3rd place
    10 Mrrr [1d] 15 1
    11 Neandertaler [4d] 15 4
    12 Fau [3d] 15 2
    13 Snowman in Summer [2k] 15 1
    14 adhalanay [1k] 15 2
    15 h223 [2k] 15 3
    16 pancreaticforce [3k] 15 3
    t Sadaharu [4d] 15 1
    46 a410ec3f826b48f7 [15k] 10 5 DDK - 1st place
    • In Honinbo Nines 2020 ended in February 2021, Agzam won their first gold trophy with 20 pts. mark5000 got the 2nd place with 16 pts and higher SOS than the 3rd place yangzhou24, who also scored 16 pts. Here are players with 13+ pts (and the best DDK) among 173 players:
    Honinbo Nines 2020
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold Agzam [6d] 20 1 1st Nines Gold trophy
    1st Nines trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver mark5000 [5d] 16 1 8th Nines trophy - [7T]3G5S0B
    Bronze yangzhou24 [4d] 16 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 tokii02 [1k] 15 3 SDK - 1st place
    5 Snowman in Summer [2k] 14 2 SDK - 2nd place
    6 找借口安静 [2d] 14 1
    7 gamesorry [2d] 13 1
    8 gotrevor [3d] 13 2
    9 Senffarbe [1k] 13 3 SDK - 3rd place
    10 GreatRedThought [2k] 13 3
    11 solomonko [4k] 13 4
    37 gregwawa [12k] 12 5 DDK - 1st place

    The OGS Mingren Main Title Tournament 2021 is going to start in three days on Jan 27, 2022. Please sign up and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

    • In Mingren Main 2018 finished in March 2021, palusijf won the 1st place with 22 pts. Neandertaler obtained the 2nd place with 22 pts but 1 fewer SOS (Sum of Opponent Scores) point. bigko placed the 3rd with 21 pts. Here are players with 15+ pts among 185 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Mingren Main 2017
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold palusijf [6d] 22 1 1st Main Gold trophy
    1st Main trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver Neandertaler [4d] 22 1 1st Main trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze bigko [6d] 21 1 2nd Main trophy - [0T]0G0S2B
    4 Peikai Xue [4d] 19 2
    t Sadaharu [5d] 19 1
    5 oursino [5d] 18 3
    6 falmunction [5d] 18 2
    t yopology [2d] 18 1
    7 gomad361 [4d] 17 1
    8 Elwood [1d] 17 3
    9 Mrrr [1d] 17 3
    10 moonshell2012 [2k] 16 4 SDK - 1st place
    11 ggg111 [1d] 16 2
    12 gugamircea [3k] 16 2 SDK - 2nd place
    t FieldL [1d] 16 2
    13 hankchang1030 [1d] 15 1
    14 mipli [2d] 15 3
    15 Träumerin [2d] 15 1
    16 EverG [1k] 15 4 SDK - 3rd place
    t Plunder [2k] 15 2
    45 DrQuantum [10k] 9 7 DDK - 1st place
  • The 21st OGS Kuksu Nines Title Tournament, the only title tournament in Double Elimination format, is starting this Friday on February 11, 2022. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

  • - In the 20th cycle of Kuksu Nines finished in March 2021, ovijol won the first place by winning all 7 games in a row in the W bracket and beating husrev, the winner of the L bracket, in the final. gamesorry got the 3rd place by reaching the final of the L bracket. Here are players who have reached at least the Octofinals of L bracket among 128 players:
    Kuksu Nines 20th Cycle
    Rank Player Stage 1st Loss 2nd Loss Achievement
    Gold ovijol [4d] WL-Final 1st Nines Gold trophy
    1st Nines trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver husrev [7d] WL-Final ovijol ovijol 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze gamesorry [2d] L-Final pyv husrev 14th Nines trophy - [1T]3G7S4B
    4 zanio [1k] L-Semifinal ST000MA gamesorry SDK - 1st place
    5 pyv [3d] L-Quarterfinal ovijol husrev
    6 Baklan [7d] L-Quarterfinal ovijol gamesorry
    7 Hangtown [6k] L-Quarterfinal popop zanio SDK - 2nd place
    8 huangyungjan [2k] L-Octofinal lovecall gamesorry SDK - 3rd place
    9 Mitsunari [2k] L-Octofinal ovijol zanio
    10 apetresc [3k] L-Octofinal zanio pyv
    11 lovecall [2d] L-Octofinal ovijol Hangtown

    ovijol will be challenging drmwc [Nines Kuksu] x2 in a best-of-five title match for the Kuksu Nines title.


    The OGS Oza Treizes Title Tournament 2022 is going to start in 3 days on March 14, 2022. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

    • In Tianyuan Main 2018 finished in May 2021, rzhang20877 won their 3rd Main gold trophy with 20 pts. bigko obtained the 2nd place with 19 pts. Neandertaler got the 3rd place with 17 pts. Here are players with 13+ pts among 174 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Tianyuan Main 2018
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold rzhang20877 [8d] 20 1 3rd Main Gold trophy
    4th Main trophy - [0T]3G1S0B
    Silver bigko [6d] 19 1 3rd Main trophy - [0T]0G1S2B
    Bronze Neandertaler [3d] 17 2 2nd Main trophy - [0T]0G1S1B
    4 Träumerin [2d] 16 1
    5 GoSeigenTwitch [3d] 16 2
    6 Celebrir [1k] 16 2 SDK - 1st place
    7 Russian [3d] 15 1
    8 moonshell2012 [2k] 14 3 SDK - 2nd place
    9 Thanakun [3k] 14 3 SDK - 3rd place
    10 Hampe [4k] 14 3
    t Sadaharu [5d] 14 1
    t Baklan [7d] 14 1
    11 pyv [3d] 13 1
    12 gubbelface [3k] 13 4
    13 mipli [1d] 13 2
    14 marigo [1k] 13 3
    15 ebatchelder [3k] 13 5
    16 ggg111 [2d] 13 2
    t stonexu [1k] 13 4
    t まいどー(^笑^)/ [2d] 13 1
    t HelioSeven [1d] 13 2
    39 druuchi [10k] 8 6 DDK - 1st place
  • 1 Like

    Any news about the Honinbo Main Title Tournament 2022?


    Sorry that I didn’t have the chance to announce it (as well as a few other title tournaments) before it reached the minimum number of players (150), but here comes the latest update!

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    The OGS Alan Turing Nines Title Tournament 2022 will begin in a week on August 12th, 2022. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Note: Alan Turing Nines title tournament is the only Nines title tournament welcoming bots and AI-assisted players.

    Tournament Result Update

  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 5
    12th Honinbo Main 2018 Sadaharu [Honinbo] bigko [6d] B+T B+T W+T W+T B+T
  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 5
    13th Meijin Nines 2020 Sadaharu [Nines Meijin] Myosu [5d] W+R B+T B+R W+T B+T
  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 5
    13th Mingren Nines 2019 gamesorry [Nines Mingren] 找借口安静 [1d] B+5.5 W+R B+R W+8.5 W+2.5
    • In Oza Treizes 2020 finished in June 2021, Xaloc won the gold trophy with 23 pts. 找借口安静 obtained the 2nd place with 22 pts. tupelo got the 3rd place with 20 pts and higher SOS than Mrrr and paxartemis. Here are players with 16+ pts among 126 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Oza Treizes 2020
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold Xaloc [1d] 23 1 1st Treizes Gold trophy
    1st Treizes trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver 找借口安静 [4d] 22 1 1st Treizes trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze tupelo [2d] 20 1 2nd Treizes trophy - [0T]0G1S1B
    4 Mrrr [1d] 20 1
    5 paxartemis [1k] 20 1 SDK - 1st place
    6 LionGuySai [3d] 19 1
    7 pyv [3d] 19 2
    8 hankchang1030 [1d] 18 2
    9 arfn6 [2d] 17 2
    10 EdiTihić [3k] 16 3 SDK - 2nd place
    11 zanio [1k] 16 2 SDK - 3rd place
    12 kazyonnov.ivan [5k] 16 3
    33 Tonydinho21 [13k] 12 5 DDK - 1st place
    • In Alan Turing Nines 2020 ended in May 2021, mark5000 won the 1st place with 22 pts (note: mark5000 was a former Nines Alan Turing title holder, but this is the first time he won this tournament). nutpenAI got the 2nd place with 21 pts (note: nutpen (without AI) also made into the leaderboard!) and spicydragon got the 3rd place with 19 pts. Here are players with 14+ pts (and the best DDK) among 140 players:
    Alan Turing Nines 2019
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold mark5000 [4d] 22 1 5th Nines Gold trophy
    10th Nines trophy - [7T]5G5S0B
    Silver nutpenAI [6d] 21 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze spicydragon [6d] 19 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 Valkyria9 [7d] 17 1
    5 dexy [1d] 17 2
    6 christine 007 [1k] 16 2 SDK - 1st place
    7 zanio [1k] 16 1 SDK - 2nd place
    8 gubbelface [3k] 15 3 SDK - 3rd place
    9 PopcornCzar [4k] 15 3
    10 yq3 [5k] 14 3
    11 rasa [5k] 14 3
    12 heavyfeather [3d] 14 1
    13 nutpen [1d] 14 1
    14 LeaSaco [3k] 14 5
    15 🐬Sofiam🐬 [3k] 14 4
    16 adax [7k] 14 5
    17 Purble [2k] 14 2
    18 Apithia [4k] 14 4
    30 aajjbb [13k] 12 3 DDK - 1st place

    OGS Meijin Handicap Title Tournament 2022 is going to begin shortly. Only 46 players have signed up so far. Please join and have fun.

    1 Like

    The OGS Mingren Nines Title Tournament 2022 will kick off in 5 days on Dec 18, 2022. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 5
    12th Meijin Main 2018 Lomis [Meijin] Sadaharu [5d] B+10.5 W+2.5 W+R B+R B+6.5
    • In Meijin Main 2019 finished in July 2021, Puffin888 won their first gold title trophy with 22 pts. Kulturfreund got the 2nd place with 19 pts. GoSeigenTwitch got the 3rd place with 18 pts and higher SOS than Neandertaler, Tiny Fish and palusijf, who also scored 18 pts. Here are players with 15+ pts among 260 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Meijin Main 2019
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold Puffin888 [6d] 22 1 1st Main Gold trophy
    4th Main trophy - [0T]1G0S3B
    Silver Kulturfreund [2d] 19 1 1st Main trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze GoSeigenTwitch [4d] 18 2 1st Main trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    3 Neandertaler [3d] 18 1
    4 Tiny Fish [3d] 18 1
    5 palusijf [6d] 18 1
    r Utaha [3d] 18 2
    6 elze [1d] 17 4
    7 gamesorry [1d] 16 3
    8 pyv [2d] 16 3
    9 einkleinerfalke [2d] 16 3
    10 falmunction [3d] 16 5
    11 LionGuySai [3d] 16 2
    12 bonjin [2d] 15 2
    13 Yi Zheng [2k] 15 2 SDK - 1st place
    14 mikebass14 [2k] 15 5 SDK - 2nd place
    15 mirreke [5k] 15 6 SDK - 3rd place
    16 ggg111 [1d] 15 4
    t Ran-Ran [5d] 15 1
    t Sadaharu [5d] 15 -
    62 Russjass [11k] 9 12 DDK - 1st place
  • 1 Like

    The OGS Oza Treizes Title Tournament 2023 is going to start in a week on March 5, 2023. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

    • In Honinbo Main 2019 finished in August 2021, Neandertaler won the 1st place with 23 pts. Puffin888 obtained the 2nd place with 21 pts and slightly higher SOS than the 3rd place, palusijf, who also scored 21 pts. Here are players with 16+ pts among 184 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Honinbo Main 2019
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold Neandertaler [3d] 23 1 1st Main Gold trophy
    3rd Main trophy - [0T]1G1S1B
    Silver Puffin888 [6d] 21 1 5th Main trophy - [0T]1G1S3B
    Bronze palusijf [6d] 21 1 2nd Main trophy - [0T]1G0S1B
    4 hokaw [2d] 19 1
    5 GoSeigenTwitch [4d] 18 2
    6 yopology [2d] 18 3
    7 Jacklanterne [1k] 17 1 SDK - 1st place
    8 hankchang1030 [1d] 16 4
    9 tupelo [2d] 16 2
    10 找借口安静 [4d] 16 3
    11 Träumerin [4d] 16 2
    12 bonjin [2d] 16 2
    13 TheDidymen [4k] 16 5 SDK - 2nd place
    14 kamilek [2k] 16 4 SDK - 3rd place
    t zirth [9d] 16 1
    49 Smash [10k] 10 7 DDK - 1st place
    • In Mingren Nines 2020 ended in August 2021, mark5000 won the 1st place with 22 pts. sweissner2 got the 2nd place with 17 pts and bagelfan got the 3rd place with 17 pts but lower SOS. Here are players with 15+ pts (and the best DDK) among 100 players:
    Mingren Nines 2020
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold mark5000 [5d] 22 1 6th Nines Gold trophy
    11th Nines trophy - [7T]6G5S0B
    Silver sweissner2 [4k] 17 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    SDK - 1st place
    Bronze bagelfan [2d] 17 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 gs2020 [4d] 16 1
    5 Shinkenjoe [2k] 16 2 SDK - 2nd place
    6 nutpen [1k] 16 2 SDK - 3rd place
    7 Snowman in summer [2k] 15 2
    8 Tenebris [1d] 15 1
    9 找借口安静 [4d] 15 1
    10 💖 KoBa 💖 [1k] 15 2
    21 CaptainSumo [11k] 13 5 DDK - 1st place

    The OGS Meijin Main Title Tournament 2023 will begin this weekend, Mar 26, 2023. Please sign up here and enjoy the games!

    Tournament Results Update

  • Mingren Handicap 2019
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold DVbS78rkR7NVe [1d] 21 1 1st Handicap Gold trophy
    1st Handicap trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver zormerton [3k] 20 1 1st Handicap trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    SDK - 1st place
    Bronze Jacklanterne [2k] 19 1 1st Handicap trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    SDK - 2nd place
    2 hacklun [10k] 17 3 DDK - 1st place
    3 reese_anschultz [5k] 17 1 SDK - 3rd place
    4 cris01 [1k] 17 2
    5 dol [3k] 17 1
    6 Opera- [9k] 17 4
    7 Origamijoe [7k] 17 3
    8 cucumber [7k] 16 2
    9 richyfourtytwo [4k] 16 2
    10 mtausan [8k] 16 2
    11 csaba [6k] 16 2
    t gamesorry [2d] 16 1
    • In the Mingren Handicap title match ended in January 2022, zormerton, the challenger from Mingren Handicap 2019, successfully obtained the title with 3-2 against kickaha [Handicap Mingren]. The match was played with 2 handicap stones with zormerton playing black and kickaha playing white.
    Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 5
    9th Mingren Handicap 2019 kickaha [Handicap Mingren] zormerton [1k] B+R W+R B+R W+R B+R

    OGS Honinbo Main Title Tournament 2023 will begin in a week on December 10, 2023. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 5
    20th Kuksu Nines 2020 drmwc [Nines Kuksu] gamesorry [3d] B+T B+T B+T W+T W+2.5
    • In Meijin Nines 2021 ended in October 2021, Sadaharu [Nines Meijin] won their 10th Nines Gold trophy with 18 pts. zanio got the 2nd place with 16 pts and Xaloc got the 3rd place with 15 pts. Here are players with 13+ pts (and the best DDK) among 122 players:
    Meijin Nines 2021
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold Sadaharu [Nines Meijin] 18 1 10th Nines Gold trophy
    16th Nines trophy - [8T]10G4S2B
    Silver zanio [1k] 16 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    SDK - 1st place
    Bronze Xaloc [1k] 15 1 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    SDK - 2nd place
    t Buddah_Noodles [5d] 15 1
    5 TamatiaCoronel [3k] 14 3 SDK - 3rd place
    6 GreatRedThought [2k] 14 3
    8 tikka [5k] 14 3
    9 Alex666 [2k] 14 2
    10 PawelD [4k] 13 2
    11 johnk97 [4k] 13 4
    12 Tenebris [1d] 13 1
    13 找借口安静 [3d] 13 2
    14 mazuja [1k] 13 2
    27 kadare [11k] 11 5 DDK - 1st place
  • 1 Like

    The OGS Honinbo Nines Title Tournament 2023 will begin next Tuesday, December 26, 2023. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

    • In Alan Turing Main 2019 finished in December 2020, JBXKataBot2 won the 1st place with 23 pts. JBXLeelaBot obtained the 2nd place with 21 pts and higher SOS than the 3rd place, husrev, who scored 21 pts as well. Here are players with 14+ pts among 195 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Alan Turing Main 2019
    Rank Player Points Group Achievement
    Gold JBXKataBot2 [9d] 23 1 1st Main Gold trophy
    1st Main trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver JBXLeelaBot [8d] 21 1 1st Main trophy - [0T]0G1S0B
    Bronze husrev [7d] 21 1 1st Main trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 alarik [3d] 17 1
    5 palusijf [6d] 17 1
    6 falmunction [5d] 17 3
    7 havefun [2k] 16 4 SDK - 1st place
    t gamesorry [2d] 16 2
    t GoSeigenTwitch [3d] 16 2
    8 ggg111 [1d] 15 2
    9 bachkiesel [4k] 15 4 SDK - 2nd place
    10 cris01 [1d] 15 2
    11 找借口安静 [4d] 15 2
    12 Celebrir [2k] 15 2 SDK - 3rd place
    13 joachim [1d] 15 2
    14 Celebrir [1k] 14 2
    t KevinRaker [7d] 15 1
    t Jarri McClelland [2d] 15 1
    15 stonexu [2k] 14 3
    t Tigers Mouse [3k] 14 3
    t Uri-ChoRong [8d] 14 -
    43 totalhenry [10k] 10 7 DDK - 1st place
  • 1 Like

    The OGS Alan Turing Main Title Tournament 2023 will begin in a week on Feb 18th, 2024. Please sign up and have fun!

    Note: Alan Turing title tournament is the only title tournament that allows bots and AI-assisted players.

    Tournament Result Update

  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Board 1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board 5
    14th Honinbo Nines 2020 Sadaharu [Nines Honinbo] mark5000 [5d] B+R B+R W+R W+3.5 B+R
  • Edition Title Class Year Player 1 Player 2 Matches
    13th Kuksu Main 2021 Sadaharu [Kuksu] drmwc [5d] W+R W+R W+R W+R B+R
    • In Mingren Main 2019 finished in Jan 2021, drmwc won the 1st place with 22 pts. husrev obtained the 2nd place with 22 pts but 3 fewer SOS (Sum of Opponent Scores) point. Ryogishiki placed the 3rd with 18 pts. Here are players with 13+ pts among 151 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Mingren Main 2019
    Rank Player Points SOS Achievement
    Gold drmwc [5d] 22 302 3rd Main Gold trophy
    3rd Main trophy - [0T]3G0S0B
    Silver husrev [7d] 22 299 2nd Main trophy - [0T]0G1S1B
    Bronze Ryogishiki [1d] 18 317 1st Main trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 Russian [3d] 17 314
    5 Johnny ong [2d] 17 270
    6 lovecall [2d] 16 321
    7 ccho [1d] 16 301
    8 ggg111 [1d] 15 298
    9 GoSeigenTwitch [4d] 15 276
    t KevinRaker [7d] 15 323
    t Joachim Schmidt [3k] 15 172 SDK - 1st place
    10 jhuang [3k] 14 277 SDK - 2nd place
    11 hankchang1030 [1k] 14 274 SDK - 3rd place
    12 找借口安静 [4d] 14 272
    13 havefun [2k] 14 268
    14 gubbelface [4k] 14 259
    t HelioSeven [2k] 14 287
    15 TangentNulla [2k] 13 317
    16 elze [1d] 13 306
    17 tikka [5k] 13 284
    18 zanio [1k] 13 272
    19 alech123 [8k] 13 268
    40 gregwawa [13k] 8 264 DDK - 1st place
  • 1 Like

    The OGS Alan Turing Nines Title Tournament 2023 will begin in a week on June 25th, 2024. Please sign up here and have fun!

    Note: Alan Turing Nines title tournament is the only Nines title tournament welcoming bots and AI-assisted players.

    Tournament Result Update

    • In Oza Treizes 2021 finished in January 2022, DMITRYSIR123 won the gold trophy with 20 pts. Sadaharu and peipeipei placed the 2nd and the 3rd with 17 pts. Here are players with 13+ pts among 100 players as well as the best DDK participant:
    Oza Treizes 2021
    Rank Player Points SOS(SODOS) Achievement
    Gold DMITRYSIR123[5d] 20 362 1st Treizes Gold trophy
    1st Treizes trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver Sadaharu[6d] 17 347(217) 4th Treizes trophy - [4T]2G2S0B
    Bronze peipeipei[2d] 17 347(209) 1st Treizes trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 gs2020[5d] 16 336
    t Diagonally[2d] 16 315
    5 maksnokia1990[8k] 15 297 SDK - 1st place
    6 sweissner2[5k] 14 345 SDK - 2nd place
    7 Fred8[4k] 14 330 SDK - 3rd place
    8 toferi[6k] 14 302
    9 Alex666[2k] 14 281
    t Forgotten Kami[8k] 14 290
    10 sloeb[3k] 13 359
    11 döskee[7k] 13 323
    12 Licker[7k] 13 300
    13 🐬Sofiam🐬[6k] 13 299
    14 ean35[7k] 13 272
    t zanio[2k] 13 320
    21 micmicmic[13k] 11 252 DDK - 1st place

    OGS Tianyuan Main Title Tournament 2023 is going to start on July 8, 2024. Please sign up and have fun!

    Tournament Result Update

    • In Honinbo Nines 2021 ended in February 2022, Wvlfpvp won their first gold trophy with 22 pts. The previous cycle’s runner-up, mark5000, got the 2nd place again with 19 pts. The 3rd place went to wighter1 with 18 pts. Here are players with 14+ pts (and the best DDK) among 150 players:
    Honinbo Nines 2021
    Rank Player Points SOS(SODOS) Achievement
    Gold Wvlfpvp[8d] 22 320 1st Nines Gold trophy
    1st Nines trophy - [0T]1G0S0B
    Silver mark5000[5d] 19 329 12th Nines trophy - [7T]6G6S0B
    Bronze wighter1[3d] 18 297 1st Nines trophy - [0T]0G0S1B
    4 Novakun [5d] 17 310
    5 gamesorry[2d] 16 312
    6 TtKk[3k] 16 241 SDK - 1st place
    7 Sadaharu[6d] 15 341
    8 gs2020[5d] 15 295
    9 sweissner2[3k] 15 274(186) SDK - 2nd place
    10 YujieMa[2d] 15 274(183)
    11 Johnoriel[4k] 14 265 SDK - 3rd place
    38 shaheen abu[11k] 11 242 DDK - 1st place