That sounds like a nightmare to adjudicate or even formulate a rule to prevent such cases. What if someone has a group with a “living eye shape” that is just one single eye (e.g., five or more empty points in a straight line)? I guess it should be against the rules to start filling that in, but it would be incredibly difficult to codify “don’t play pathological moves” into clear and well-defined rules.
Edit: I guess it’s not surprising that there is already significant discussion about three/multi-color go.
From that page
Group dynamics
With introduction of a third and more colors multi-color Go does resemble multi-player strategy games where off-board interaction is a decisive part of game play (like e.g. Diplomacy) more than actual Go.
It must be specified how players are allowed to bargain: privately, publicly or not at all; this would be part of the rules of a tournament, and should be agreed before starting a casual game.