Werewolf Game 4 - Conscription

Suggestion: voting-based detective and protector

Maybe not for this game, since it is a very drastic change, but at least a thought to consider for future games.

Detective: each night, every player casts a secret vote (via PM with the GM) on who to be investigated. If a person receives a strict plurality of the votes, the investigation is conducted and the result is privately told to one of the surviving innocent players at day break. Alternatively, the players could also vote on who gets to receive the information.

Protector: each night, every innocent player casts a secret vote (via PM with the GM) on who to be protected. If a person receives a strict plurality of the votes, they are protected from attack by the werewolves on that night, and will be informed if they were attacked and saved.

Players are allowed to discuss voting strategies and how they voted/what they learned from previous nights.