What happens if your opponent refuses to accept a stone is dead but it costs you more to capture it?

Well maybe 5 in a row is even more interesting as counting the prisoners?

Like Irensei? Or the Go variant where if you make a 5-in-a-row, you get to take another turn?

Think he just meant regular gomoku

Ah, I also like Gomoku

I was just answering something I found a bit sarcastic with something a bit more sarcastic. Pure nonsense and not an invitation to open another variant thread :rofl:

Counting to 5 is even easier as counting whatever pile of prisoners

Well, there have been serious proposals to teach Go via Capture Go with capture targets >1, so it’s definitely an angle to consider

Don’t forget to mention jigo.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how Capture Go could end in jigo. :frowning:

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Haha. I guess what I wrote could be read as sarcastic since I didn’t provide enough information. I wasn’t actually trying to be sarcastic. What originally attracted me to the game was basic life-and-death puzzles and tactics like ladder and net which directly led to captures. I probably spent more time on life-and-death and tactics puzzles than actual games. I doubt I could’ve made the connection between what I was doing and area/territory scoring. Also, gobbling up my opponent’s stones is just way more satisfying than counting territory. :grin:

The way I played was each player tried to capture as many stones as possible, and the game would end when one player gave up. I’m sure there are a lot of problems if you try to use this simple rule for rated games, but I was only ever playing casual games for fun with another beginner, and whatever problems there were never bothered us.