What is Fair and Perfect Komi for Stone Scoring?

The former, that was kinda my point, games getting to the point where komi both matters at all and is also large enough to make a difference isn’t so common as to be all that concerning.


AI gives 6.5 komi because over millions of games that is the AVERAGE that would result in most balance B and W wins.
But if a player thinks he is particularly good at black can give a 7.5 komi and still wins, why stop him from doing so?


I thought AI finds 7.0 to be most balanced. (See @antonTobi 's comment above)

no I don’t have any soruce. it’s just a response to Samraku’s comment that AI has given us the value.
in essence it could be any number x, and if a players thinks he can still win with giving x+, why stop him from doing so

As I said, it’s a philisophical question, nothing to do with the value of either Fair Komi or Perfect Komi