What should be in the Go Memes Thread

I don’t care about the “Go Memes! :face_with_monocle:” in particular, so I’ll just write my expectations for every topic here:

Each topic has a title and fist post. They usually express, what the thread is about. The “discussion” then should happen around the intended topic. There is some grey area to it, but I would be glad, if oftopic replies to oftopic messages would get their own topic, and meta discussions would stay on a minimum.

I observed enough cases where reasonable would be far stretched. The only self-regulation happening is others leaving.

Ultimately, this forum and site is about a game called go. We even have room for other discussion. Some uses with an increased need for human interaction even created topics with nice titles like “How’s your day” and “Let’s chat”. There are others, not always wanting/needing human interaction. To derail their “let’s look at some funny pictures” threads to general chit-chat seems impolite to me.