What should be in the Go Memes Thread

Crocrobot did not make the restriction, and people have posted more than just memes for several years.

That rule was added by @Eugene, who edited the post on January 1, 2020.

I think that rule (exactly one meme per post) is overly strict and does not reflect the practice, wishes, nor enforcement. Even @Eugene seems to have softened his stance on the matter, and continued to personally flout that rule even after he added it.

I agree that this is a nuanced and complex issue, and there are perhaps many questions to settle. However, we can still poll on incremental issues to gauge public opinion, and then follow up with further questions.

Let’s start with a basic question and then explore further from there.

Should the Go Memes Thread be Strictly Only Memes?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

YES would mean that these posts break the rules and should be removed (and possibly placed elsewhere).

NO would require further discussion to determine where to draw the line on what type of posts should be allowed.