What fields can you think of where you get paid $1000 for three days work! Imagine all the fields where you go to college and train for most of a decade like law or medicine, I don’t think you’d make near that much.
If the coder got a handful of sections of code done in three days it’d hardly be worth the money. If a coder got a huge amount done in three days, they’re probably copying large chunks from some existing work they’ve already developed and are editing it. In the second case you’re not really paying for new custom work as much as for the experience of the developer (possibly) assuming again it’s not just coming from something else.
It sounds quite overpriced to me. When I saw that it was costing more than $40k (nearly $50k) to design a website Polgote.com - a new platform to connect Go teachers and Go students I thought that was pretty crazy to be honest.
I guess I just don’t understand the scale of money, how much things are actually worth.