Where do I learn go

The best introduction to Go I’ve ever seen is the “Beginner Go Series” by “In Sente” on Youtube, especially the “Staying Connected/How to Practice” episode.

I feel that the first few of those videos are almost perfect as far as teaching to a total beginner goes, the next ones might confuse you a bit more, in that case there are also some other good resources such as the Tiger’s Mouth tutorial and perhaps the Beginner Study Section at Sensei’s Library, on top of the resources other people linked here.

It looks like you might have missed this topic that Atorrante linked in their first reply to you. I’ll add to that the link to OGS user pseudocalm’s profile, where they have a link to a google doc of their own full of Go resources for beginners.

I feel like there actually are a lot of good resources aimed at beginners, but for one reason or another it seems to be difficult to let beginners easily find those resources.